Zion was the city of David, the centre of the city of Jerusalem, where the temple as God’s dwelling place was built; the overcomers as Zion are the reality of the Body of Christ and consummate the building up of the Body in the local churches – within the church life today there must […]
Being today’s Zion, the Overcomers in the Church who Live in the Reality of the Body
The Overcomers Experience the Divine Economy in the Church Life for the New Creation

As believers in Christ, we need to be the overcomers who experience the divine economy in the church life for the new creation to be produced out of the old creation. The divine economy is to produce the new creation out of the chaotic old creation, for God’s desire in His heart is to […]
Being Vitalized to be Zion, the Group of Overcomers who Answer the Lord’s Call in this age

What the Lord is after today is Zion, the group of overcomers as the reality of the Body of Christ to consummate the New Jerusalem; we need to be vitalized to answer the Lord’s call and be produced as the overcomers of today in the local churches. Amen! This week in our morning revival […]
Choosing to be Vitalized to be the Overcomers in the Church Life for God’s Purpose

The church life on the ground of oneness is today’s Jerusalem, and within the church life there must be a group of overcomers who are the reality of Zion; we need to be vitalized to be the overcomers in the church life today. In the Old Testament we see that the unique ground of Jerusalem […]
Christ as the Sevenfold Intensified Spirit Produces the Overcomers to Build the Church

After reading the Lord’s epistles to the seven churches in Rev. 2-3 we need to realize that today, in His ministry in the stage of intensification, Christ as the sevenfold intensified Spirit produces the overcomers, those who return to the orthodoxy of the church, overcome the degradation of the church, build up the Body of […]
Dwelling in God’s House by Praising Him and Having the Highways to Zion in our Heart

The goal of God’s salvation, provision, and revelation as seen in the book of Exodus is His building, the tabernacle; as believers in Christ, we need to go on with the Lord and experience Him as reality of all the furnishings of the tabernacle so that we may be part of His building, His heart’s […]
The Lord needs us to be the Overcomers who Build up the Body and Prepare His Bride

God’s purpose is to work Himself into man and mingle Himself with man to produce and build up the church as the Body of Christ, the organism of the Triune God who expresses Him and represents Him on earth. For this, He regenerated millions of people with His divine life, and He keeps working in […]