In order for us to change the age, we need to have the experience of passing through the river Jordan, that is, overcome death to live and minister in resurrection; we need to answer the Lord’s call for overcomers to build up the church as the Body of Christ consummating in the New Jerusalem. […]
Being the Vitalized ones who Overcome Death to Live and Minister in Resurrection
Being Victorious over Satan’s attack of Death by the Resurrection Life of Christ

Satan’s attack against the church is mainly through death, but by the resurrection life of Christ in our spirit, we can be victorious over the attack of death upon the church. Hallelujah, the Lord Jesus is both resurrection and the life, and as we enjoy Him as life, resurrection operates in us to first deliver […]
In God’s Eyes Death is more Defiling and Abominable than Sin, but Life is most Precious

Leviticus 11 is concerned very much with death, for according to the Bible, death is more defiling and abominable than sin, and being cleansed from death takes longer than being cleansed from sin. The fact that Leviticus 11 speaks of dealing with and overcoming death in relation to our diet as God’s people shows that […]
Today’s Nazarites Overcome Death and Natural Affection; They Bless Others with God!

Today the Lord needs Nazarites, those who are consecrated to Him for His purpose. All the believers in Christ are His priests, but they have failed Him in accomplishing His purpose. Therefore, God is looking for those who willingly consecrate themselves to Him, separating themselves unto Him and sanctifying themselves for His purpose. These have […]
Advancing in our Growth in Life to Overcome Death and Transcend All Frustrations

The record in the first chapter in Genesis is not merely to inform us of how God created the earth and all things in it, neither is it merely to show us the order in which God created everything. If we have the glasses of God’s economy on, we will clearly see that in Genesis 1 we […]