If we pay the price to experience the breaking of the cross by living under the cross, knowing and dealing with our natural life and disposition, putting to death the flesh, and denying ourselves before God, we will know God’s authority and will be able to bring in God’s authority. We see this in […]
Pay the Price to Experience the Breaking of the Cross and Submit to God’s Authority
The Christian Life is a Life of Being Renewed in our Inner Man and Consumed in the Outer Man

The Christian life is a life of being renewed; as our outer man is being consumed, our inner man is being renewed day by day with the fresh supply of the resurrection life. Hallelujah! As believers in Christ, we received another life – the divine life, and now we are learning to live by this […]
We’re Renewed by the Cross, the Holy Spirit, our Mingled Spirit and the Word of God

Our need today is to be those who are being renewed day by day with the fresh supply of the resurrection life to replace our culture and to become the one new man in reality by becoming as new as the New Jerusalem! Amen! Our God is forever new; there’s no oldness in Him, and […]
Our Regenerated Spirit is our Inner Man with the Indwelling Christ as its Person

In and for the church life, we all need to take Christ as our person; He came into our spirit as life, and now our regenerated spirit as the inner man is our real person. Before we can take Christ as our person in and for the church life we need to realise that Christ […]
A Daily Revived Living: Renewed every Morning and Freshly Transformed every day

In order for us to practice the scriptural way to meet and serve for the building up of the Body of Christ, we need a daily revived living and a labor in shepherding that flow out from our love for the Lord. To practice the God ordained-way to meet and serve is not merely to […]
God has to Break our Natural Life; He has to Touch our Natural Life in a Drastic Way

In Genesis 32:22-32 we see a vital and crucial experience in the life of Jacob – his being broken. Before then, he passed through a long process of supplanting, cheating his brother and dad, running away from his home for fear of his life, working for Laban for 20 years (7 years for Leah, 7 […]
Hallelujah, we are the new creation, where everything is new because God in it is new!
Hallelujah, we’re no longer only the old creation – we now have God in us! It is so good to be reminded what the new creation is, and that we need to live in the reality of the new creation today! I enjoyed this so much in the second message from the video training on […]