Christians are a speaking people; a genuine Christian is a speaking Christian, for we are witnesses of the living Christ who testify of what we have seen and heard of Him in our enjoyment and experience of Him. Amen! How can we not speak when we enjoy Christ in His word, we contact Him […]
We Christians are a Speaking People, Witnesses of the Living Christ Speaking for God
Our Living God Imparts and Infuses Himself as Light and Life into us by His Speaking

Our God is a speaking God, and by His speaking, God is brought into man and man is brought into God; our life hinges totally upon God’s speaking, for the living God imparts and infuses Himself into us by His speaking, which brings in light and life. Amen! This week in our morning revival […]
Prophets are God’s Spokesmen who Speak for God and Speak Forth God by His Revelation

Prophets are God’s spokesmen; their function is to speak for God, speaking forth God by God’s revelation and not speaking of themselves. This week in our Crystallization-Study of Deuteronomy we come to the topic of, Christ – the True Prophet Typified by Moses. Five main things that we will see and enjoy is (1) what […]
Our God is a Speaking God, and this Speaking God desires to have a Speaking People

Our God is a speaking God; He is no longer merely hidden and mysterious, but He is speaking, He revealed Himself, and we today are the speaking people of our speaking God. In Num. 11:29 there’s a hidden small gem, a crystal, which is the expression of God’s desire and Moses’ desire, Oh that all […]
we need to eat the Lord’s Word and speak for God!(sharing from the conference in Portugal)
Our God is a speaking God. He is always speaking and He loves to speak. When He created the earth He did not rise up His arm and shook it… but He just spoke the word! This means that our dear God does everything through His speaking. When He created man, He made him in […]
Speaking the Word of God – Christ is the living Word! (sharing from the conference in Portugal)
Based on the recent conference in Portugal with the main subject being, Speaking the Word of God, here is a song written by brother Steve W. that would encapsulate the main points presented in this conference regarding this topic. The tune for this song is the one used for Hymns #882. 1. The speaking God […]
Hallelujah for the speaking people of the speaking God! (sharing from the conference in Portugal)
Praise the Lord that we can gather together in His name! He was surely in our midst the entire conference in Porto, Portugal. The blending with the saints from Portugal, Spain, and the UK was so sweet, encouraging and uplifting and the ministry of the Word was rich and built the church a little more. […]