As believers in Christ, we live the grafted life by living in the mingling of the human life with the divine life. Hallelujah, we are organically united with Christ so that we may live a grafted life – a life in the mingling of God and man! As believers in Christ, we have been grafted […]
We Live the Grafted Life in the Mingling of the Human Life with the Divine Life
Remaining in the Organic Union with the Lord to be in the Actuality of the Body

The Body of Christ is an organic matter, and for us to be organic in the Body is to be organically united with Christ, and the actuality of the Body is the remaining in this organic union we have with Christ. Our relationship with Christ is not only of dependence on Him, love toward Him, […]
Entering the Reality of the Body of Christ by Living in the Organic Union with Christ

We enter into the reality of the Body of Christ by living in the organic union with Christ in our daily life. This matter of the organic union with Christ is not only a high matter but also a deep one, like a deep ocean. The Spirit of God searches the things of God and […]
In Our Organic Union with Him, Christ’s Experience is Our Experience for the Church

All the genuine believers in Christ are organically joined to the Triune God in their spirit. Through believing into Christ we have been joined to Him in spirit, and now we are one spirit with the Lord (1 Cor. 6:17). Through baptism we have been cut off from the world, the past, and anything of […]
man cannot be justified out of works of law but out of faith in Christ, in the organic union!
It is so easy to have a low appreciation and view of the truth of the gospel in its basic principle of the justification by faith. We are fallen in our concept, our way of thinking, even in this respect. We need to have an uplifted view of justification by faith – to be justified by faith in Christ, we need to believe into the Lord Jesus out of an appreciation of His preciousness! The speaking of the gospel brings us into a sweet appreciation of the Lord, and we believe into Him! When we call on His name, we are regenerated and we are organically one with Him! In this organic union, God MUST reckon Christ as our righteousness! [continue reading online + comment with your enjoyment of today’s morning revival]
being in the light and guarding ourselves from any lie, vanity, or idols trying to replace God!
Vanity of vanities, says the Preacher; vanity of vanities; all is vanity. “No matter how good, excellent, marvelous, and wonderful a thing may be, as long as it is of the old creation, it is part of the vanity of vanities under the sun” – only the new creation, God mingled with man and man walking in God as the light, is reality!
Repent and believe into the Lord Jesus! Serve Jehovah with fear and Kiss the Son!
The last three verses of the second Psalm are the preaching of the gospel! Even though these verses are in the Old Testament, they bear the flavour and the essence of the New Testament gospel, inviting all the people – who were previously in rebellion toward God – to come to God and repent! We […]