The revelation in Ezekiel 37 shows that the unique way to have the Body, the church, and the House of God in the genuine oneness is the way of life, just as the bones came together and were enlivened to become an army, and the two pieces of wood were joined to be one in […]
Being Joined together in the Way of Life through Grafting for the Building of God
our mingled spirit is a spirit of faith and the way for us to abide in the Lord
Today, we are so privileged to know that the spirit of faith here refers to our spirit mingled with the Holy Spirit! Faith is not in our mind – rather, what we have in our mind what we have is just doubts. Faith is in our spirit because it is mingled with the Holy Spirit! We must exercise such a spirit of faith to believe and speak (see Psa. 116:19 and 2 Cor. 4:13). Faith is a reaction to the appearing of God, and it is absolutely of our spirit. In our spirit we can know God and it is here that we need to live a crucified life in resurrection, just like the apostles did for the carrying out of their ministry (see note 2 in 2 Cor. 4:13). [continue reading online]
God in Christ is the tree of life, small enough for us to eat, take in, and live because of Him!
O, Lord, we can testify because we have surely tasted – Yes, God is Good for Food! Lord Jesus, You are the tree of life – so ready and available for us to enjoy and take in. Save us from eating anything else besides You as life [continue reading online]
we are being freely justified by faith in Jesus Christ through His redemption on the cross
We all have read the verses in Rom. 3:23-24 which say, For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, being justified frely by His grace through the redemption which is in Christ Jesus. In God’s economy He wants to dispense Himself into man as his life and everything so that He […]
the unique oneness of the Spirit has four factors, two means, and one goal!
It is not easy to describe in human words something that is divine, and it is not easy to understand with our mind something that is going on in the divine and mystical realm. In the same way that we can’t understand with our mind what an “aroma” is unless we exercise the sense of […]
to the only wise God through Jesus Christ – to Him be the glory forever and ever. Amen!
The book of Romans ends in a glorious way – with the verse in Rom. 16:27, which says, To the only wise God through Jesus Christ, to Him be the glory forever and ever. Amen. Wow, what a conclusion! Though the book of Romans gives a general discussion on the Christian life, the conclusion of […]
Not an exchanged life, but a grafted life: Christ replaces us by living in us, with us, by us, and through us!

This week we are enjoying the fact that Christ is God’s Beloved, His Favorite, and He is the One who is all and in all in God’s economy – so He replaces everything and everyone else with Himself! In God’s eyes, Christ is the best, and Christ is the One God wants – so all […]