Like Paul in Eph. 3:16-21, we need to pray for our inner experience of the indwelling Christ for the organic building up of the church as the Body of Christ; we need to cooperate with God in prayer so that the big “machine” of the Triune God would operate in us for Christ to […]
Praying for our Inner Experience of the Indwelling Christ for the Building of the Church
The Organic Building up of the Church is through the Process of Spiritual Metabolism

It is amazing to realize that the organic building up of the Body of Christ is through the process of spiritual metabolism. In His economy, God works Himself into us so that we may experience a metabolic process of spiritual digestion and assimilation that produces transformation as a gradual and intrinsic metabolic change in […]
Grow in Life and Enjoy Grace to have the Gifts of Life and Function Organically in the Body

The organic function of the church is in the organic Body of Christ and in the local expressions of the organic Body of Christ; we must be organic and function organically in the church life, for we are members of the Body. The church is the Body of Christ, an organic matter; the church is […]
Crucial Points of the Scriptural Way to Meet for the Building up of the Body of Christ

We need to see and practice the crucial points concerning the light and revelation that we have received from the Lord regarding the scriptural way to meet and to serve for the building up of the Body of Christ. This week in our deeper study of what is the Genuine Church Life according to the […]
The Lord Desires to Recover the Organic Building up of the Body of Christ

May the Lord recovery us back to practicing the scriptural way to meet and serve, which is able to develop the organic ability and function of the members of Christ for the organic building up of the Body of Christ. The church is the Body of Christ; the Body of Christ is not merely an […]