Regeneration is the greatest miracle, yet it takes place in a normal way, a miraculous normality in our Christian life; similarly, calling on the name of the Lord is a normality, yet miraculously, when we call we get the totality of the Triune God. Hallelujah! May we be those who live a life of […]
Our Regeneration and Calling on the Name of the Lord are a Miraculous Normality
Learning to be Satisfied with a Life of Ordinary Days in the Divine Dispensing

May we all learn to be satisfied with a life of ordinary days in the divine dispensing. As believers in Christ, we need to learn to be satisfied with a life of ordinary days in the regular and normal experiences in the divine dispensing of the Divine Trinity. Our Christian life is not filled […]
having ordinary days in the divine dispensing for the building up of the Body of Christ
We all can testify that we cannot “feel” that the Triune God is in us in a spectacular or extraordinary way. There’s a living Person in us, and His speaking to us, His dispensing in us, is so normal and so fine. We should be blessed to be satisfied with ordinary normal routine days in the divine dispensing. We don’t know what’s really going on within us, but as we turn to the Lord, as we fellowship with Him, as we open to Him, and as we listen to His voice within us, there’s an increase of the element of God in our being daily. [continue reading online concerning our daily normal Christian life under the divine dispensing]
Christ as the Servant of Jehovah would not break a bruised reed nor quench a smoking flax
Christ is the One in which Jehovah delights in. At least two times in the New Testament the Father confirmed from the heavens that Jesus Christ is His Beloved, He delights in Him, and we should see and hear only Jesus! What about me? Yes, God delights in you when you are in Christ! When […]