The Lord Jesus will write the name of His God, the name of the city of God (the New Jerusalem), and His new name upon the one in the recovered church who overcomes. God is working Himself into us to make us a living composition of God and man consummating in the New Jerusalem, […]
God is being Wrought into us to make us the New Jerusalem: we need to be Open Vessels
Live in the Inward Parts of Christ to Cultivate the Consciousness of the Body of Christ

If we as members of the Body of Christ have the consciousness of the Body of Christ and see others suffer or being blessed, we will identify with them and feel the same hardship or blessing (see 1 Cor. 12:26-27). When we were regenerated by God with the divine life, we received not only the […]
We need to STOP and Let God Work Himself into us to Fulfill His Purpose Through us

God’s intention is to gain man for His purpose so that He may work Himself into man and be lived out and expressed through man in a corporate way for His glory. We can see God’s intention from the beginning of the Bible (when God put man in front of Himself as life, the tree […]
Our Christian life is a life of being continually emptied and continually filled with the Spirit
I was so encouraged and also exposed by the Emanna for yesterday – the emanna is a free Christian service that you can subscribe to, and you receive daily a portion of spiritual nourishment from the Word and the “Words of the Ministry”. Yesterday it was about “Filling Empty Vessels”, and it was based on […]