In the previous articles, we have seen what it means to shepherd according to God by taking a closer look at the pattern of the Lord Jesus and the pattern of the Apostle Paul. A pattern gives us a way practically how to do a certain thing, and the Lord Jesus lived out a God-man […]
Being One with Christ in His Heavenly Ministry to Shepherd God’s Flock, the Church
Receiving the Divine Transmission and Being one with Christ to Respond in Prayer

It is so wonderful and encouraging to realize that Christ is in the heavens as our divine High Priest interceding for us, and He was appointed by God to care of us. He knows what we need; we think we know what we need, but Christ knows what our real need is, and He intercedes […]
Cooperating with our Ascended Head to Pray in Oneness with Him for His Glorious Church

If we see that Christ, the Head of the Body, has ascended and was exalted by God to the highest point in the universe, being given the name above every name and being made Lord of all, our prayer to the Lord will change. All believers in Christ need to have the clear realization that […]
Being One with our Ascended Head to Exercise His Authority as the Body of Christ

What Christ as a Man has accomplished and attained in His ascension is tremendous and amazing: He was inaugurated, exalted, and enthroned by God to be Lord of all, King of kings, and Head over all things in the universe to administrate the whole universe for God and accomplish God’s New Testament economy. As believers […]
Fighting for Our Birthright and being One with Christ to Redeem Other’s Birthright

All the believers in Christ have the birthright to enjoy God, express God, and represent God. However, not all believers enjoy and exercise their birthright. Rather, there are many Christians who do not know about their birthright; there are many believers who are defeated, who have lost their birthright, and who live in spiritual poverty. […]
Laying our Hands on Christ as our Burnt Offering to be Identified with Him and Live Him

In looking into the matter of consecration we need to see that, no matter how much we love the Lord and pursue Him, we are NOT absolute for God and we are NOT fully consecrated to Him. There is only ONE Person that ever lived a life of being absolute for God and His purpose, […]
Being One with Christ in His Heavenly Ministry by Being in Ascension Today

We have seen that the Triune God has a unique work, and if we would work for God and with God we simply need to join in God’s unique work, and His work must be our work. Also, last week we saw that the Lord Jesus is our pattern in working for God, and His work […]