We thank and praise the Lord for His glorious and marvellous ascension many years ago, and we especially thank Him for being the Christ in ascension in us making us those who are in the Lord’s ascension one with Him today. Hallelujah! As believers in Christ, we need to know the ascension of Christ and […]
We’re in the Lord’s Ascension and Christ is in Ascension and in us: we’re One with Him
In His Ascension God Inaugurated Christ to be the Lord of All and the Christ of God

In His ascension, God inaugurated Christ into His heavenly ministry to be the Lord to possess all and to be the Christ as God’s anointed to carry out God’s commission; the One who lives in us is in resurrection to give us life and power and in ascension to share His authority with us. Praise […]
Seeing that Christ was Crowned with Glory and Honor and was Enthroned in His Ascension

We need to see the objective aspect of the Lord’s ascension – in His ascension, He was crowned with glory and honour, and He was enthroned for God’s administration. Hallelujah! This week we come to a new topic in our morning revival in the series of labouring on the all-inclusive Christ; the topic this week […]
God’s move in man began in Christ and Continues in us with our Regeneration and Transformation

As the first step of God’s move in man in the New Testament, the Lord Jesus Christ came to be the incarnated God; He passed through incarnation, human living, death, resurrection, and ascension, and then God took another step to come into us, the many believers in Christ, to move further in man. Many people […]
Being in Ascension as the Body of Christ to Pray and Exercise the Authority of Christ

As the Body of Christ, we are joined to our ascended Head who has authority over all things and who has the lordship and the headship; we share His authority, and we can pray the prayer of the age to exercise the authority of Christ for the fulfilling of God’s economy. This week in our […]