With Noah and his family after their coming out of the ark we see both a seed of the church life and a shadow of the kingdom. Before Genesis 9, man was under God’s direct rule and under the rule of his conscience. But starting from the time after Noah and his family got out […]
Seeing a Shadow of the Kingdom with Noah and His Family – God has a Deputy Authority!
Entering Into the Highest Intimacy with God to Be In the Light and See His Mysteries

Noah found grace in the sight of Jehovah, and he was entrusted by Him to build an ark for his salvation and the salvation of his family. Everything about the ark is very significant: the dimensions, the number of stories it had, the window, the door, the materials (wood, pitch), etc. For instance, the length […]
Doing a Work that Can Change the Age by Building Up the Church as Today’s Ark

Noah’s life and work changed the age – his living and his work afforded God the cooperation He needs to change the age by bringing in the flood and judging that crooked and perverted generation. Noah lived by faith and built up his own salvation by believing God’s word and obeying God. Noah’s work, a […]
Working Out Our Own Salvation by Building Up Christ in Our Experience Day by Day

Before Noah started to build the ark, he was already walking with God – this means he was already righteous. Why did he need to still build the ark if he was already walking with God? This question also applies to all the genuine believers in Christ: since we are saved, why do we still […]
Walking with God by Faith and Working Together with God to Build Up the Ark Today

Noah was a pattern to us, walking and living by faith in God and working together with God to build the ark as his salvation from the crooked and perverted generation he lived in. As we all know it, faith does not originate from us – it is impossible for us as human beings to […]
Seeing the True Situation of the Age We Live in and Finding Grace in the Eyes of God

Even though the Lord gained Abel to worship Him in His way, Enosh to call on the name of the Lord, and Enoch to walk with God, mankind continued to fall and be corrupted until in Gen. 6:7 we see that God decided to blot out the man whom He has created. It looked as […]