The Lord Jesus will write the name of His God, the name of the city of God (the New Jerusalem), and His new name upon the one in the recovered church who overcomes. God is working Himself into us to make us a living composition of God and man consummating in the New Jerusalem, […]
God is being Wrought into us to make us the New Jerusalem: we need to be Open Vessels
Being Incorporated into the New Jerusalem, the Ultimate Incorporation of God and Man

The ultimate incorporation of the processed and consummated Triune God with the regenerated and transformed people is the New Jerusalem, and we’re incorporated into the New Jerusalem, the universal incorporation, by eating Christ as the hidden manna. Wow, Hallelujah! God’s desire, His ultimate purpose, is high and lofty, but the way to attain it […]
Christ is the Reality of the Cities of Refuge: as Mistake-Making Sinners, we Flee to Him!

In Num. 35 we see the cities of refuge, six cities among the cities of the Levites who were assigned to be cities of refuge; these typify the all-inclusive Christ as the embodiment of the redeeming God into whom mistaken sinners can flee for refuge. Today there’s such things as prisons, where the murderers – […]
Praise the Lord, we are Becoming the Reality of “God is There”, the New Jerusalem!

The very last verse of Ezekiel says that the name of the city from that day shall be, Jehovah is there; when God gains the holy temple and the holy city in the holy land, the name of that city is, God is there – God’s presence is with man, and man is in God’s […]
Christ as King will Reign on Earth with the Overcomers as His Helpers in the Kingship

I never thought that Psalm 45 is so much related to the way for us to be prepared as the bride of Christ, but this psalm is very high and wonderful, for in it we see the psalmist’ praise of the Lord as the King in Himself, in the church (as the queen), and in […]
Christian Life is a life of Changing Death into Life for the Building up of the Body

God desires to gain a building, a habitation, a mutual dwelling place of God and man; Christ came to be the mingling of God with man, and in His resurrection He enlarged God’s building to include all those who believe into Him; He’s changing death into life in our being for the building up of […]
Seeing, Praying for, and Becoming the Temple of God in the Divine and Mystical Realm

As believers in Christ, we are learning to live our human life by the divine life in our spirit; as we do the things we need to do in our daily living, we practice to daily live in the divine and mystical realm of the consummated Spirit so that Christ may be expressed through us. […]