As believers in Christ we are members of the Body of Christ, and we have the privilege and responsibility to be one with Christ, the Head of the Body to build up the church as the Body of Christ. The Lord today is building up His church by building Himself into us, His believers, through […]
The Need for a Thorough Recovery of the Priesthood for God’s Building through us
Carrying Out the Stewardship of God by Preaching the Gospel and Dispensing Christ

All believers in Christ have been entrusted by God with a stewardship, which is to minister the riches of Christ into others for the building up of the Body of Christ. When we preach the gospel, we carry out the stewardship of God by contacting sinners where they are and ministering God into them (see […]
Being a Man of Prayer with an Excellent Spirit Living Under the Rule of God

Daniel was a person who was always praying, even at the risk of his life. Because he was such a praying person, the kings (Nebuchadnezzar, Darius, and Belteshazzar) spoke of him as “having an excellent spirit”. Daniel had an excellent spirit because he had an exercised spirit, a spirit that always prayed to His God. […]
enjoying and ministering Christ as the sin-dealing life to bear away the inquity of God’s people
It is only after we enjoy Christ as the sin-dealing life that we can also minister Him as such to others. In Leviticus the priests were to eat the sin offering in the holy place that they may make expiation for the people of Israel before Jehovah(Lev. 10:17). As we enjoy Christ as the sin-dealing life, we have an enlarged capacity to bear away the iniquity of God’s people – by learning to minister Christ to the dear saints who are in sin