On the cross Christ tasted death, destroyed the devil, and nullified death, and in resurrection He became a life-giving Spirit; now we can reign in life over death, for the divine life enthrones us as kings. Hallelujah! In the church we see the Lord’s word being fulfilled: on one hand He builds His church, and […]
Christ Nullified Death – we can Reign in Life over Death and Minister Life to others
Having an Enlarged Heart to Embrace, Care for, and Minister Life to all the Saints

The first thing we should consider when we look at the person and heart of a leading one or a serving one in the church life is the matter of having an enlarged heart. We may be lacking in this or that, but in caring for the saints we need to pray to the Lord […]
Ministers of Life are Sowers, Planters, and Waterers for Christ to Grow in Others

The result and issue of our enjoyment of Christ as the flow of life – the life-giving Spirit – is that we become sowers, planters, waterers, begetters, feeders, and builders with the ministry of life for the building up of the church. If we cooperate with the Lord and allow Him to measure us according […]
Seeking to Recover the Dormant Saints and Abiding in the Lord to Bear much Fruit

The church is the increase of Christ, and the increase of Christ is by ministering life to others according to the law of increase. Everything in the church must be in the nature of life, with the content of life, and in the imparting of life; when we as the branches in the vine abide […]
Picking up a Burden to Care for People and being Genuinely Interested in them

After we have an adequate contact with the Lord, allow Him to shine on us and expose us, and consecrate ourselves to Him, we need to pick up a burden to care for people and be genuinely interested in them to minister life to them. In order for us to minister life to others for […]
Being One with the Lord to Minister Life to others by our Life-giving Petition

The matter of the increase of Christ for the building up of the church is something very particular, touching on God’s heart’s desire to dispense Himself into man so that He may obtain a corporate expression. The increase of Christ is in us, the church, and the increase and spread of the church is the […]
Having the Outflow of Life by being One with Christ in His Life-Releasing Death

As believers in Christ, we must always remember that our service to Him should be God’s flowing out to supply others with the divine life (see John 7:37-39); for this, we need to be one with Christ in His life-releasing death so that His life would flow through us. Serving God is not something we […]