Serve God out of Love and Serve Others with Christ by Ministering Christ to them

We serve God out of love for Him and we serve others with Christ by ministering Christ to them. As believers in Christ, we are slaves of God serving Him; our inward motive is loving the Lord, and we use the Lord’s gift to build up the church by serving others with Christ and ministering […]

Fully Accomplish our Personal Ministry: Minister the Christ Wrought into us for the Body

Although many verses in the New Testament show that the ministry in the New Testament is corporate, other verses indicate that the ministry is also personal; we need to fully accomplish our personal ministry by ministering the Christ constituted into our being into others for the building up of the church as the Body of […]

God made us Sufficient as Ministers of a New Covenant, Appointing us to the Ministry

We thank and praise the Lord, Jesus Christ our Lord, that He has counted us faithful, appointing us to the ministry; God has made us sufficient as ministers of a new covenant, ministers of the Spirit and not of the letter, for the letter kills but the Spirit gives life. Amen! We are thankful to […]

As God’s Fellow Workers we work as Farmers together with Him in God’s Cultivated Land

The church is God’s farm, His cultivated land, and we believers in Christ are God’s fellow workers, working as farmers together with God by an all-fitting life to sow the seed of life into people, water them with the Spirit of life by His healthy words, and labour on the saints to bring forth Christ. […]

A Good Minister of Christ is Nourished with the Word and Serves Christ to Others

 As believers in Christ, we need to be a good minister of Christ Jesus, those who are first being nourished with the words of the faith and of the good teaching in God’s Word and then lay these things before others to minister the riches of Christ to them for their nourishment and supply. […]

Blended Together through the Cross, by the Spirit, with much Fellowship for the Body

God has blended the Body together (1 Cor. 12:24); we need to be blended together by learning to stop and fellowship with other saints before doing anything, and by doing all things through the cross and by the Spirit so that we may minister Christ to others. This week in our morning revival we come […]

Adorn and Consummate the New Jerusalem by Enjoying, Experiencing, and Ministering Christ

As believers in Christ, we can adorn and consummate the New Jerusalem by enjoying Christ, experiencing Christ, and ministering Christ for the building up of the church. The consummation of the Bible is the final building of God, the New Jerusalem; eventually, the Triune God and redeemed humanity will be mingled, blended, and built up […]