Blending is seen in the meal offering; today we can eat Christ to live the life of a meal offering and become a corporate meal offering! We need to see a portrait and revelation of the necessity and significance of blending so that we may eat Christ as the meal offering and live a life […]
Blending as Seen in the Meal Offering: Eat Christ to Become a Corporate Meal Offering
Having a Mingling Living Today to Consummate New Jerusalem, the Great Meal Offering

As the mingling of the Triune God with the tripartite man, the New Jerusalem will be a great meal offering, the ultimate consummation of the mingling of the Triune god with the tripartite man. Hallelujah, for eternity we will enjoy the Lord, partake of Him, and be filled with Him to be a continual, […]
Being Blended and Mingled with God for the Church Life as a Corporate Meal Offering

Christ’s life and our individual Christian life issues in a totality, which is the church life as the corporate meal offering; the meal offering is a type of blending to bring us into the reality of the Body of Christ. On one hand, Christ is the meal offering, and the humanity of Christ mingled […]
Enjoy the Fine, Balanced, and Perfect Humanity of Jesus mingled with the Holy Spirit

We can enjoy the fine, balanced, and perfect humanity of Jesus mingled with the Holy Spirit today. The meal offering typifies Christ in His God-man living, in particular the humanity of Jesus which is fine and balanced, and the Spirit of God as the oil being mingled with Christ’s humanity. Amen! This week in […]
Christ with the Church Life is the Meal Offering for our Supply and God’s Satisfaction

As we partake of Christ as the meal offering, we become the reproduction of Christ, the church as a corporate meal offering, and what we eat is not just Christ but Christ with the church life as a meal offering. The goal of eating Christ at the meal offering is not merely us being nourished […]
The Meal Offering Typifies Christ in His God-man Living – He’s God Mingled with Man

This week in our morning revival we are getting into the vision and enjoyment of the meal offering, and in particular today we want to see how the meal offering typifies Christ in His God-man living. All the offerings are types of Christ as the One who not only bridges the gap between us and […]
The Holy Spirit Sanctifies us Dispositionally to make us as Holy as God is Holy

Whenever the Bible mentions God, Christ, and the Spirit, it is very specific and precise; these are not interchangeable terms for one person. In a similar way, whenever the Bible speaks of the Spirit, it is very specific and precise; for example, there’s no mention of the Spirit of Christ or the life-giving Spirit anywhere […]