Solomon’s splendid kingdom, with his prosperity under the rich blessing of God, is a type of Christ’s kingdom in the millennium; we need to grow in life unto maturity so that we may reign as kings in life in this age and be the co-kings with Christ in the next age to rule over […]
Being Today’s Overcomers who Mature in Life to Reign as Kings in Life in this Age
Live in the Lord’s Presence and be Watchful and Matured to be Made Ready to be Raptured

For us to be taken by the Lord at His return, we need to be those who are watchful and mature for His imminent coming and prepared and ready to be His bride, so that we may be raptured before the great tribulation. If we read the Bible and have the Lord’s shining, we will […]
Our Urgent need is to Grow in Life unto Maturity for the Formation of God’s Army

In order for the Lord to gain His army today to fight for His interest and protect His testimony, there’s an urgent need for the growth and maturity, so we need to grow in life unto maturity. In the Lord’s recovery today there’s an urgent need for the growth and maturity required for the formation […]
Being Governed by the Way God Sees His People and No Longer Judging or Condemning

It makes a tremendous difference to the way we live our Christian life and church life if we see the way God sees His people, that is, as sheaves full of life and as heavenly bodies full of light. When he was young, Joseph saw these two dreams and they governed his entire life. He […]
Presenting Every Man Mature in Christ by Ministering Christ to them for the New Man

We need to grow unto maturity to become a part of the corporate full-grown man that fulfills God’s eternal purpose (Gen. 1:26). The goal of Paul’s ministry was to present every man full-grown in Christ for the one new man (see Col. 1:28-29). For this, he struggled, strived, and even travailed so that Christ would […]
Being Brought on to Maturity by Being Filled with the Divine Life that Transforms us

With Jacob in Genesis we see a long process in which he was dealt with, broken, transformed, and eventually matured. The goal of God is not merely to transform us but to bring us all unto maturity. To be transformed is to be changed in our natural life by the divine life within, and to […]
Not Despising or Losing but Enjoying the Birthright we Receive in God’s Sovereignty

Jacob treasured and pursued to gain the birthright, Esau despised the birthright, and Reuben lost the birthright. Even though Jacob was born second, he wanted the birthright and even tricked his older brother Esau to sell him the birthright for a bowl of lentil stew (see Gen. 25:22-26). Later, with the cooperation of his mother, […]