In Phil. 4:13 Paul reveals the secret to us: doing all things in Christ as the One who empowers us; we need to be found in Christ, be a man in Christ, and do all things in Christ so that we may live Christ as our human virtues, thereby magnifying Him in His unlimited […]
Being Found in Christ and Doing all things in Christ who Empowers us to Magnify Him
Live Christ to Magnify Him and Minister Him into others to be Channels of Supply

If we live Christ to magnify Him for His expression, we will become strong factors, channels of supply, to enable the saints to grow in life and enjoy the Lord. Amen, Lord Jesus, make us such ones, those who are channels of supply, channels of life, for the saints to grow in life and […]
Put on the Lord Jesus to Live Christ, Magnify Him, and be full of Joy and Rejoicing

Regardless of our circumstances, we need to enjoy Christ, experience Christ, and put on Christ for His expression and magnification, being filled with joy and rejoicing in the Lord, magnifying Christ for His corporate expression in the genuine church life. Amen! May the Lord make us such ones. May the Lord bring us to […]
Being a Pattern of Living Christ, Magnifying Christ, and Living the Body Life

The apostle Paul was a pattern of living Christ, magnifying Christ, doing all things in Christ, and pursuing Christ to be found in Christ; he lived such a life when he was on his ministry journey and also in his imprisonment journey. Whether in good situation or in persecution, whether in outward success or imprisonment, […]