The Lord Jesus as the High Priest is right now walking among all the local churches in order to know their situation, and He is speaking a word to the messengers of the churches so that He may produce the overcomers. Through His speaking, the Lord is trimming the charred wicks of the lamps and […]
Repenting and Humbling Ourselves to be Saved from Lukewarmness and Spiritual Pride
Turning our Heart to the Lord to be Metabolically Transformed into His Image

In 2 Cor. 3:16-18 Paul speaks of the process of transformation, how we are being transformed into the same image as Christ from glory to glory. May we be those who continually turn their heart to the Lord so that any veil would be taken away! When we read the Bible, do we see the […]
Working Together with God by First Enjoying Him and Entering Into His Rest

After God created man, He said, Very Good! and He rested. Man’s first day on earth was not spent in working for God or doing anything to please God but man spent the day with God in His rest. Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath! In Exo. 31:17 it says […]
Being a Christian Student on the Campus – studying and loving the Lord at the same time!
I don’t always have the time to read my Holy Word for Morning Revival, but that doesn’t mean I don’t have morning revival. My time with the Lord starts in the morning and it goes on until I go to bed at night. I enjoy praying on my own but also together with my fellow sisters. Being in the Body of Christ really helps.
via – When Is The Real Royal Wedding? Who takes part in the Royal Wedding?
Especially if you live in the UK, you have heard that Prince William is engaged and will get married soon. But really, When and Where is the real royal wedding? There are many preparations going on for this human wedding, and the whole United Kingdom / Great Britain is looking forward to this wedding…. but […]
building up Christ in our experience so that we may enter into Him and abide in Him

These past few days we’re enjoying the fact that we need to daily work out our own salvation by building up Christ in our experience. Just like Noah built up the ark, we are building up a practical and present Christ today in the church life. Just like Noah entered into the ark after he […]