The most mysterious issue of Christ’s resurrection was the divine-human incorporation of the processed and consummated Triune God with His redeemed and regenerated believers. What really happened at the time of the Lord’s resurrection is that He was glorified by the Father, that is, the divine life within Him was released and imparted into millions […]
The Father’s House: the First Issue of Christ’s Glorification in His Resurrection
Filed Under: Christ became the Spirit, Christ lives in me, Enjoying Christ, experiencing Christ, expounding the truth, feeding on the Lord, God's economy, love the Lord, morning revival, our birthright, the Body of Christ, the Christian Life, the church life, the high peak, the Lord's recovery, the Triune God, the Word of God Tagged With: 2014 Thanksgiving Conference, Christ makes His home in our heart, God dwells in man, holy word for morning revival, incorporated with God, love the Lord Jesus, man dwells in God, the divine-human incorporation, the Father's house, the issue of Christ's glorification, the many abodes
Knowing and Appreciating Christ in His Excellency and Supreme Preciousness
We need to see a vision of the excellency of Christ. Paul saw it, and for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ he considered all other things (even good things) to be refuse, so that he may gain Christ (Phil. 3:7-8). We may still treasure and desire other things today, but when Christ is […]
Filed Under: consecration, Enjoying Christ, experiencing Christ, expounding the truth, His heart's desire, love the Lord, morning revival, our birthright, the all-inclusive Christ, the Christian Life, the Lord's recovery, the Word of God Tagged With: Christ in His excellency, Christ is the Excellent One, Christ's supreme preciousness, crystallization study of Daniel and Zechariah, holy word for morning revival, love the Lord Jesus, pour out upon Him, the excellent knowledge of Christ, the goal of the gospel, wasted on the Lord, we may gain Christ
overcoming the loss of the first love by giving Christ the first place in everything
I feel like we can never exhaust this topic which is also our experience daily. How can we overcome the loss of our first love for the Lord? How can we come back to Him to love Him with our first and our best love? We need to overcome the loss of the first love […]
Filed Under: Christ lives in me, Enjoying Christ, experiencing Christ, expounding the truth, morning revival, the Body of Christ, the Christian Life, the high peak, the Lord's recovery, the Word of God Tagged With: eat the tree of life, fountain of living waters, give the Lord the first place, God gives us Christ, He must have the first place, holy word for morning revival, living by the Spirit, love the Lord Jesus, loving the church, overcome the loss of the first love, recover our first love, taking the lead as Elders and Responsible Ones