As believers in Christ who have Christ as our life and seek to build up the church as the Body of Christ and the kingdom of God today, we need to see that the way to build up the church is through death and resurrection, and we need to see what is the enemy of […]
We need to See the Enemy of the Building and what’s the Way to Build up the Church
We need to lose our Soul-Life and Live a Life of Brotherly Love in the Church Life

The church life is a life of brotherly love; just as the Lord Jesus laid down His soul-life that we may have the divine life, so we need to lose our soul-life and deny the self to love the brothers and minister life to them in the practice of the Body life. Amen! In […]
If we Lose our Soul-Life, our Soulish Enjoyment, in this age, we will Gain it in the Next

In following the Lord as His disciples, we need to lose our soul-life, that is, forsake it and not seek to have the enjoyment of the soul in this age but, for the Lord’s sake, put it aside and enjoy the Lord and seek His purpose. This week we come to a new topic in […]
We Lose our Soul-life for the Lord’s Sake in this Age to Save our Soul in the Next age

We need to be those who lose our soul-life in this age, not allowing the soul to have its enjoyment in this age so that we may gain the full enjoyment in the next age. The church life today is the place where we can live the reality of the kingdom of God, for the […]
Live in the Inward Parts of Christ to Cultivate the Consciousness of the Body of Christ

If we as members of the Body of Christ have the consciousness of the Body of Christ and see others suffer or being blessed, we will identify with them and feel the same hardship or blessing (see 1 Cor. 12:26-27). When we were regenerated by God with the divine life, we received not only the […]
We Need to See a Vision of the Self: the Soul-Life with its Thoughts and Opinions

The heart of the heavenly vision is the vision of Christ and the church. However, in order for us to clearly see this vision and have it wrought into us, we need to see the vision of the self, the greatest hindrance to the building up of the Body of Christ. We have seen something […]