The Lord Jesus as the Son of Man was lifted up in the form of the serpent on the cross to bear the judgment for the serpent-poisoned people; if we repent of our serpentine nature and believe into Him, He becomes our Substitute and we enjoy eternal life. Hallelujah! This story in Num. 21:4-9 is […]
When we Repent for being Serpentine we are Qualified to Enjoy Christ as Eternal Life
Repent and believe into the Lord Jesus! Serve Jehovah with fear and Kiss the Son!
The last three verses of the second Psalm are the preaching of the gospel! Even though these verses are in the Old Testament, they bear the flavour and the essence of the New Testament gospel, inviting all the people – who were previously in rebellion toward God – to come to God and repent! We […]
we are all vulnerable to sin: we need to see the consequences to sin and repent and confess our sins
David received the highest revelation in the Old Testament in 2 Sam. 7, where God told him that He will build David a house and He will build Himself into David’s lineage… it is almost unbelievable that a person who has received such a high revelation and has achieved such high experiences can still fall […]
The Story of a High School Student – what is the meaning of my life?
When 10:30pm came around, I closed my chemistry book, kicked off my slippers and turned out the light. I leaned back on my pillow and stared up at the ceiling in the quietness of my bedroom. I felt exhausted and as I lay there, I began to consider my life. My life was like a […]
gospel story: the Spirit is carefully seeking for us (the lost coin) until He finds us
She couldn’t find it! She knew she had put in somewhere. But now it was lost and she was having a hard time locating it. She had lost a most precious silver coin. She was a hard-working woman whose labor earned her one silver coin a day. Therefore she treasured every coin she earned and worked […]
God as the loving Father is eagerly watching and waiting for us to return to Him…

“Maybe today he will come home” the rich father said to himself as he faithfully stood watching the horizon for any sign of his son’s return. Far away, the periodic sounds of hogs grunting and chewing on the carob pods was of no concern to a certain poor young man. It was the hunger pangs […]