This morning I was so touched by the Lord in my time with Him regarding my need to see Him more in a real way. It is only when we see Him that we see ourselves – how much we realize concerning ourselves depends on how much we see the Lord. Just like Job: we […]
the greatest thing in the Christian experience is the exposing and the killing that comes from the shining of the light
Filed Under: Christ lives in me, contacting God, God's economy, longings, O Lord Jesus!, prayer, the Christian Life, the Word of God Tagged With: agree with the light, God enlightens us, God shines in us, God's light exposes us, God's light kills the negative things, long to touch God, my eye has seen You, not just to know about God, the Christian experience, touch God personally, touch the Lord, we are not OK, we need to see God, we think we are OK
The God whom we serve and love is a God who hides Himself and operates in secret

No, we cannot see God, we cannot touch Him – we cannot physically see or touch Him. Yet just like Peter says, though we have never seen Him, we love Him! I was so impressed regarding this matter this morning as I was enjoying the Lord in the morning revival on the Crystallization-study of Isaiah […]
Filed Under: Christ lives in me, contacting God, Enjoying Christ, God's economy, longings, O Lord Jesus!, the Christian Life, the Lord's recovery Tagged With: a God who hides Himself, a hidden God, crystallization study of Isaiah, exercise our spirit, God is doing many things for us, God is with us all the time, God is working, listen to the Lord, long to touch God, obey His speaking, speak Lord we're listening, touch the Lord
there is a yearning in us to touch God, the reality in this universe; it is simple to touch God!

Who is God? The Bible provides us with the answer to this question, and it shows very clearly that God is the I AM. That means, He is the One who has existed, is now existing, and will forever exist. While everything else in this world has a beginning, He does not. And when everything […]
Filed Under: contacting God, Enjoying Christ, God became a man, O Lord Jesus!, the Christian Life, the gospel, the Word of God Tagged With: a cry for God, a yearning within, an inner seeking for more, come into me Lord Jesus, Forgive me of my sins, God becoming our salvation, God desires to touch us, God is the I Am, God is the reality, Jesus is the real I Am, long to touch God, Lord Jesus come into me, touch the Lord, we desire to find reality, we desire to touch God