When we are inscribed with Christ in our heart, we become living letters of Christ with Him as the content, and He can shine through us for others to read Christ and see Christ lived out and expressed in us; this is a practical application of the breastplate of judgment. On the breastplate, the high […]
Being Transformed, Inscribed with Christ, and Built up to be Living Letters of Christ
Shepherding the Saints according to God by Following the Pattern of the Apostle Paul

The Lord Jesus as the great, chief and Good Shepherd is now the pneumatic Shepherd in our spirit as the life-giving Spirit, and He is both shepherding us and shepherding others through us. When we read the Gospels we see how the Lord was with those around Him, and when we read church history and […]
Being Transformed, Transparent Precious Stones with Christ Inscribed into our Heart

As priests to God, we believers must spend time with God to be infused with Him and filled with His Spirit so that, when we meet others, we would bring God to man and man to God. In the Old Testament type we see that the high priest had to wear a certain set of […]
the believers are living letters of Christ for others to read and know Christ in them
Day by day, as we get into the Word of God and as we are under the speaking of the Word of God, Christ is being written into every part of our inner being to make us His living letters! What is a letter of Christ? The apostles’ ministry writes Christ into our being and inscribes us to be Christ’s living letter, so that others may read and know Christ in us and through us. As we spend personal time with the Lord to enjoy Him and “being written on by Him” and as we meet with the believers to write Christ on one another, we become the living letters of Christ to express Christ in all our being! [continue reading this portion]