The genuine church is the kingdom of God in this age, and we believers live the kingdom life in the church; only when we live and walk according to the spirit do we live in the reality of the kingdom to be the church. Amen! The Lord Jesus preached the gospel of the kingdom, and […]
We Believers Live the Kingdom Life in the Church by Living in the Mingled Spirit
To Live the Kingdom Life we should Forgive our Brother even as the Lord forgave us

For us to live the kingdom life, the God-man life, the church life, we must be humble and not despise any believer but love our brother and forgive our brother from our heart. In Matt. 18:1-35 we have a wonderful portion on how to live the kingdom life, and right from the beginning the disciples […]
We Live the Kingdom Life in the Church Life by Living and Walking in the Spirit

The genuine church is the kingdom of God in this age; we as believers need to live the kingdom life in the church life by living and walking according to the mingled spirit. The church comes into being when the authority of the kingdom is exercised over a group of people, and when we allow […]
We Live the Kingdom Life in the Church Life under the Authority of the Kingdom

The kingdom is the reality of the church, and for us to be built into the church we need to come under the authority of the kingdom, exercise the keys of the kingdom, and live the kingdom life in the church life. The Lord Jesus came proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom; He didn’t proclaim […]
Practice Living a Hidden Life with God by Living by the Hidden Life of our Father

As believers in Christ we are citizens of the kingdom of God, and as kingdom people we need to practice living a hidden life in secret with the Lord, that is, we need learn to live by the hidden life of our Father. The principle of the kingdom people is that they live a hidden […]
As Kingdom People we do our Righteous Deeds in Spirit in Secret to Please the Father

According to Matt. 6, the principle of the kingdom people is that they live a hidden life, not performing their righteous deeds before men but in secret to please the Father, for the Father sees in secret and rewards in secret. Our living as kingdom people today, those who live in the kingdom of God, […]
Learning from the Lord Jesus to spend Time in Secret with God Privately to Pray

We all need to learn from the Lord Jesus to spend time in secret with God privately to pray. This week in our deeper study of the matter of the development of the kingdom of God in our Christian life and church life we come to the topic of, Living the Kingdom Life by Living […]