The kingdom is the reality of the church, and apart from the kingdom life, we cannot live the church life; the reality of the kingdom of the heavens is the content of the church life. We need to see what is the relationship between the kingdom and the church. When the Lord Jesus came as […]
The Reality of the Kingdom of the Heavens is the Content of the Church Life today
The Purpose of the Blending is to Usher us into the Reality of the Body of Christ

The purpose of the blending is to usher us all into the reality of the Body of Christ; the local churches are a procedure for God to obtain His goal, the reality of the Body, for He wants to gain a substantial expression of the reality of the Body in the local churches so that […]
Living the Church Life on the Local Ground of the Church for the Reality of the Body

Seeing that there is one church in the universe and there are many local churches expressing this one church in the many localities, we need to realize that the local ground of the church is the unique oneness of the Body of Christ practiced in the local churches. Our God is very wise in the […]
In the Divine History we Experience God’s Organic Salvation and Preach the Gospel of Peace

Praise the Lord, as believers in Christ we were born again to be part of the divine history, part of the new man, to live and write the history of God in man, and we can experience God’s organic salvation and preach the gospel of peace to become the one new man in reality and […]
We need to Put Off the Old Man with the Former Manner of Life and Live the Church Life

For the one new man, we need to put off the old man, that is, put off the former manner of life, for the old man with all that it includes is a damage to the church life, and the old manner of life (our culture) is a hindrance to our enjoyment of Christ and […]
Having the Consciousness of the New Man and Progressing until All Churches are the Same

When we see that all the local churches on earth are the one new man, we will live the church life with the consciousness of the new man. The Lord is taking us on in the local churches until eventually we all be absolutely the same; we will think the same thing (Christ), speak the […]
Realising that through many Tribulations we must Enter into the Kingdom of God

We need to realize that through many tribulations we must enter into the kingdom of God, because the whole world opposes our entering in; therefore, today we need to cooperate with the Lord for the development of the kingdom of God. The whole world opposes God, and when the gospel of the kingdom is being […]