We thank and praise the Lord for His glorious and marvellous ascension many years ago, and we especially thank Him for being the Christ in ascension in us making us those who are in the Lord’s ascension one with Him today. Hallelujah! As believers in Christ, we need to know the ascension of Christ and […]
We’re in the Lord’s Ascension and Christ is in Ascension and in us: we’re One with Him
In the Divine History we Experience God’s Organic Salvation and Preach the Gospel of Peace

Praise the Lord, as believers in Christ we were born again to be part of the divine history, part of the new man, to live and write the history of God in man, and we can experience God’s organic salvation and preach the gospel of peace to become the one new man in reality and […]
When we live in the Union of God with Man, God’s History becomes our History

When we live in the union of God with man, the history of God becomes our history. The Bible presents the divine history within the human history, and the most amazing thing is that we as believers in Christ have God’s history as our history because we are in union with God; in God’s union […]
We write God’s Today’s history by being one with God in our Life, Living, and Doing

God’s history in man and with man continues today, and everything we do and say must be part of this history; we need to be one with God in His history, even writing God’s today’s history by being one with God in our living, daily walk, schooling, job, and business. We may read the Bible […]
Being Renewed in our Mind and Living in the Church to live in the Divine History

As we realize that there’s a divine history within the human history, we need to consider whether we live only in the human history or also in the divine history; we live in the divine history by living in the church to be the enlargement of the manifestation of Christ. The divine history within human […]
Paying the Price to have the Upper-Room Consecration to follow the Heavenly Vision

For us to be in the continuation of the book of Acts, we need to continue to live in the divine history by having an upper-room consecration, being willing to pay the price and be “married” to the heavenly vision of Christ and the church. If we read the book of Acts we will realise […]
The Events of World History are Sovereignly Arranged by God for Him to Fulfill His Purpose

The events of world history have been sovereignly arranged by God for Him to carry out His purpose; therefore, in order for us to have the proper church life, we must know the world situation and be one with the Lord in His move. Throughout the Bible we can see the divine history within the […]