As we live in the midst of intermixed and complicated situations, we live by faith in God and deny the self to live in spirit to express the riches of life abundantly. The two hundred pomegranates surrounding the capitals at the top of the pillars in the temple signify the expression of the riches of […]
Live in Spirit by Faith in our Complicated Situations to Express the Riches of Life
We Exercise our Spirit to be Built up in the Church as the Dwelling Place of God

The church is the house of God and the household of God – the church is the dwelling place of God, the place where He finds rest, puts His trust, and expresses Himself; we need to exercise our spirit to eat the Lord in His word to grow in life for the building up […]
Experience Christ as Everything and Taking up our Cross for the Genuine Church Life

The way for us to realize the genuine church life is to experience Christ as everything to us; furthermore, the genuine church life requires us to take up our cross and follow the Lord, for only when the self is crossed out can Christ come to be the reality of the church life. The […]
Seeing that our Flesh is an Enemy of God’s Authority and is in Rebellion against God

With Amalek there is a hand against the throne of the Lord; the flesh is an enemy of God’s authority, trying to overthrow the throne of God, and is versus the kingship, so the flesh needs to be thoroughly dealt with before the kingdom of God can come in. Wow! In each one of […]
Being those who to Listen Carefully to the Word of God, Obey God’s Word, and Act on it

As believers in Christ, we need to listen carefully to God’s word, obey God’s word, and act on it, coming to God’s word with a proper attitude to care for contacting God and obeying what He is speaking to us; this will lead to having success in serving God and working for God. This week […]
We Respond to Christ’s Heavenly Ministry and Live in Spirit to Enjoy the New Covenant

For us to receive the application of all the blessings of the new covenant and enjoy them in our experience, we need to be those who respond to Christ’s heavenly ministry by exercising our spirit, living in the spirit, and corresponding to and reflecting what He is doing to execute the new covenant. When Christ […]
Living and Walking Daily According to the Spirit and not According to the Flesh

We can be only in the spirit or in the flesh – there’s no neutral ground or a third location; when we are walking according to the spirit, we are in spirit, but when we don’t, we are in the flesh. May the Lord continue to have mercy on us that we may see our […]