One of the deepest principles related to spiritual warfare is that we need to pray fighting prayers, prayers in ascension, prayers of spiritual warfare. There are four principles of spiritual warfare, the first being that in spiritual warfare we cannot fight with fleshly weapons. Though it may seem that the enemy is attacking us […]
Fight the Battle by praying Prayers in Ascension, the Prayers of Spiritual Warfare
In Spiritual Warfare we Stand in Ascension and Use not Fleshly but Spiritual Weapons

In order for us to fight the spiritual warfare, we need to know and apply the principles of spiritual warfare: we cannot use fleshly weapons, keep the position of ascension, use spiritual weapons, and have fighting prayers, the prayers of spiritual warfare. In order for us to build up the church as the Body […]
Living in the Body one with the Head to Exercise Christ’s Authority to Bind and Loose

The prayer of the age is not the prayer of individual believers (no matter how spiritual they are) but it is the prayer of the church as the Body of Christ, a prayer in which we bind and loose on earth what has been bound and loosed in the heavens. We need to live, act, […]
Being in Ascension as the Body of Christ to Pray and Exercise the Authority of Christ

As the Body of Christ, we are joined to our ascended Head who has authority over all things and who has the lordship and the headship; we share His authority, and we can pray the prayer of the age to exercise the authority of Christ for the fulfilling of God’s economy. This week in our […]
Standing in the Position of Ascension to Pray with Authority and Execute God’s Commands

As believers in Christ and members of the Body of Christ, we need to respond to Christ’s heavenly ministry of intercession by standing in the position of ascension and pray with authority, one with Christ, to execute God’s commands. Our ascended head, Christ, is now in heaven interceding for us, and He as the Spirit […]
Engaging in Spiritual Warfare by Being in Ascension and Proclaiming Christ’s Victory

In the spiritual reality behind the scenes of the human world and things there’s a spiritual warfare raging: Satan fights with all he has against God and His people. The fact is, however, that Satan has already been defeated by Christ on the cross, so now he fights to delay the fulfillment of God’s plan; […]
We are Called to Live with Christ in His Ascension, as Seen in Song of Songs

A practical application and a sweet illustration of the progress made by the seeking lover of the Lord, the book of Song of Songs shows us how we can progressively experience Christ in our loving fellowship with Him until we become just like Him, matching Him as our Bridegroom. Hudson Taylor called this book, A […]