The holy task of lighting the lamps in the Holy Place was the service of holy persons, the priests, those saturated with God, filled with God, and living absolutely for God; these ones express God in their daily living and minister God to others. Lighting the lamps is a holy task belonging only to the […]
Being the Holy Priests who are Possessed by God and who Live Christ to Light the Lamps
Lighting the Lamps to Enter the Holy of Holies and Enjoy the Depths of Christ in God

What a privilege it is for us as priests to light the lamps in the Holy Place, in the meetings of the church, so that we may see the way into the Holy of Holies and to enjoy the different rich aspects of Christ with God! This is both our responsibility and our privilege as […]
The Need for Lighting the Lamps to have Light in our Serving, Fighting, and Moving

This week in our deeper and prayerful study of the book of Numbers we come to the matter of, Lighting the Lamps, which is specifically mentioned in Num. 8:1-4. Although many other details related the Tent of Meeting are omitted from this record, the priests are specifically instructed to light the lamps of the lampstand. […]
Lighting the Lamps involves every Aspect of our Experience in the Christian Life

As believers in Christ we need to daily come to the Lord in our Christian life and be shined on by Him, and we need to walk in His light. However, there’s a great danger that we would “make our own light” and walk in our own light, which leads to pain and darkness. I […]
Elements involved when we Experience the Lighting of the Lamps in the Church Meetings

In the meetings of the church – the Holy Place – all the saints must exercise their spirit and cause the lighting of the lamps; the light comes of their enjoyment of Christ as the embodiment of the Triune God, the divine nature, the humanity of Christ, and the Spirit of Christ. Our responsibility and […]
We are Children of Light Walking in the Light and Lighting the Lamps as we Meet

This week we are enjoying a particular wonderful matter in Exodus which is lighting the lamps in the sanctuary of God, which is done by those serving as priests clothed with the glorious garments (typifying the expression of Christ). After God finished speaking concerning the tabernacle and the furniture, and just before the introduction of […]
Coming into God’s Light and Walking in it to have God as Light Shining in our Meeting

The service of the priests was to offer sacrifices on behalf of the people, to take care of the tabernacle with all its furnishings, to light the lamps in the Holy Place, and to burn the incense. Many Bible commentaries on the matter of lighting the lamps tell us that we need to be enlightened […]