It is quite amazing to see the contrast between the book of Ruth and the book of Judges; in Judges, we see many powerful men who did great things for God yet failed at the end of their life, while in Ruth we see a person on the line of life, seemingly quite weak, who […]
Taking the Way of Life by Enjoying and Experiencing Christ as Life to Express God
We Choose Life – Life is God Himself, the Triune God Dispensed into us and Living in us

In Deut. 30 Moses set before the children of Israel life and death, and he charged them to choose life; our God is a fountain of life, and life is nothing else but the Triune God flowing out and being dispensed into us. This last week in our crystallization-study of Deuteronomy we come to the […]
In order to Recover us and Make us the New Man, God must Judge our Old Man Daily

This week concludes our first part of the crystallization-study of Ezekiel (1), and the main topic is, The Inward Recovery by Life for the Carrying out of God’s Economy; today in particular we want to see that in order for God to recover us and make us the new man, He must judge our old […]
The Way of the Lord’s Recovery is the Way of the Eternal Life; Life is God Himself

The Lord’s recovery is not only a recovery of the truth but also of life. This week we are getting into the matter of the eternal life in a deeper way to see some important principles related to the application and experience of this life in our Christian life and service today. The Lord’s recovery […]
In the Triune God, the Father is the Source and the Son is the Expression (part 1)

John’s mending ministry is in life and by life. Life is a Person, the Triune God Himself in the Father as the source, the Son as the expression, and the Spirit as the realization. In his mending ministry – both in his Gospel, Epistles, and Revelation – John speaks extensively of the Divine Trinity, the […]
What Does it Mean to Grow in Life? Growth in Life is More of God and Less of Us

In order for us to grow in life, we first need what life is. Life is NOT a gift, a power, an ability, or anything else – life is simply God Himself. God the Father is life, Christ is life, and the Spirit is life (John 3:36; 1 John 5:12; 1 Cor. 15:45). You could […]
taking the lead to experience life – how can we enjoy God as our life?

This week we are enjoying the fact that we need to take the lead to experience life. In our Christian life we should not care of anything else except the living Christ in us. This Christ is our life, and this Christ is the tree of life, always imparting life into our inner being to […]