As the New Jerusalem is being developed, worked out, and built up through our experience of all the aspects of the New Jerusalem, we need to cooperate with the Lord and be one with Him to preach the gospel of the glory of Christ so that many would become parts of the New Jerusalem. The […]
God Shines in our Hearts that We may Shine on Others with the Gospel of the Glory of Christ
Walk in a Manner Worthy of God and Let Your Light Shine so that God may be Glorified

The believers in Christ have been called by God to enter into His kingdom and glory (1 Thes. 2:12). God actualized His choice and predestination by calling His believers in time through His appearing to them as the God of glory. We all can testify that we were living our life in the vanity of […]
as the ones built up with the saints in our locality as the church, we are the light of the world
Hallelujah for Matthew 5:14, which says, You are the light of the world. It is impossible for a city situated upon a mountain to be hidden. This morning I was so impressed with the fact that we, as the church, are the city situated upon the mountain, shining! Several things about this “struck” me, as […]
we are the salt of the earth, the light of the world, the gospel seeds, and branches in the vine(Poland camp 2010)
My name is Valentina, I am from Ukraine. It was my first time attending the young people’s conference in Poland / the Poland camp. I was touched by the special fellowship that we had on one of the days. We as believers are the salt of the earth, the light of the world, gospel seeds, […]