Laying hold on the eternal life is the solution to the degradation in the church today, for without this eternal life and the divine truth in the Holy Scriptures, we believers in Christ are nothing and have nothing. Amen! As we live in the age of the degradation of the church, we believers in Christ […]
Laying Hold on the Eternal Life and being in the Divine Truth to Overcome Degradation
To Lay Hold on the Eternal Life to Which we were Called is to Fight the Good Fight

For us to fight the good fight of the faith, we need to lay hold on the eternal life to which we were called by being open to the divine dispensing and enjoying, living by, and having our being in the eternal life we received at our regeneration. Hallelujah! As believers in Christ, we need […]
Set our hope in God who Richly Supplies all Things and being willing to share our Surplus

As believers in Christ, we need to have God’s view concerning the material riches, not setting our hope on the uncertainty of riches but on God, who richly supplies all things for our enjoyment; we need to do good, be rich in good works, be ready to distribute, and be willing to share so […]
Fight the Good Fight of the Faith for God’s Economy by Laying Hold on the Eternal Life

In 2 Tim. 4:7 Paul testified that he fought the good fight of the faith; we need to fight the good fight of the faith, fight for the faith, realizing that our service to God is a warfare, not being entangled with the things of this life, and lay hold of the eternal life. This […]
Eternal Life is the Triune God Dispensed into us to be our Life and to Live in us

Life is mysterious because life is God Himself. Our human life is mysterious and we are not able to fully understand it. How much more the life of God? If we can barely grasp what our human life is about, what about the eternal life? Throughout the Bible we see many people who have experienced […]