As believers in Christ, we need to live in the divine and mystical realm so that we may enjoy all the riches of what God is and partake of His wonderful organic salvation in Christ. Amen! First of all, we need to see that there is another realm besides the human realm. It is easy […]
Live in the Divine and Mystical Realm to have Salvation, Fellowship and Oneness
When we Set our Mind on the Spirit, we Enjoy the Divine Dispensing in and for the Body

When we take heed to the inner sense of the spirit, the law of the Spirit of life is activated within us; the secret of our Christian life which we must learn is to set our mind on our spirit by taking heed to our spirit so that we may live in spirit and […]
God Dwells in us – He is the Law of the Spirit of Life Installed in our spirit!

It is amazing to realize that God dwells in us – He is the law of the Spirit of life installed in our spirit! Wow! Romans chapter 8 is the focus of the entire Bible and the center of the universe, and if we experience what this chapter reveals, we’re in the center of […]
We’re Released from the Slavery of Sin only by Enjoying Christ as the Life-giving Spirit

We can be released and have real freedom only by enjoying Christ as the life-giving Spirit; only those who enjoy God do not commit sin and are really free, for they enjoy God as their possession and He makes them free. Jubilee is doesn’t mean that after we believe into the Lord everything is fine, […]
Let us Come Forward to God through Christ to be Saved from any By-Products of Death

Christ in His ascension is a divine High Priest who is able to save us to the uttermost if we come forward to God through Him, since He lives always to intercede for us (Heb. 7:25). Let us therefore come forward with boldness to the throne of grace so that we may receive mercy and […]
The Lord’s Speaking to the Churches Trims Religion Away and adds the Spirit as the Oil

The Lord Jesus as the High Priest walking among the lampstands takes care of the churches by speaking to them. He trims the charred wicks and He adds the oil. Just as the priests did in the Old Testament, the Lord Jesus makes sure that the churches are shining bright for God’s testimony by […]
The Tree of Life in the Bible: its Identity, Enjoyment, Operation, and Ministry

The way God fulfills His purpose of having a corporate man to express Him and represent Him is by His life. As seen in Gen. 1-2 and Rev. 21-22, there are four organic items mentioned, which are the procedure God takes to fulfill His purpose: the tree of life, the river of water of life, […]