It is quite interesting to see how the oneness in the Triune God is typified by the oneness as seen in the tabernacle in Exodus 26, especially in the gold overlaying the standing boards and causing them to be one – this shows us that oneness is nothing else but sinking deeply into the Triune […]
Oneness is a matter of Sinking Deeply into the Triune God until We’re Mingled with Him
Being Perfected into One by Gaining More God as Gold: Oneness is in the Triune God!

Genuine oneness is not mere unity – oneness is a matter of sinking deeply into the Triune God until we are fully overlaid with Him as gold; our problem is that we are short of God, and our need is to gain more God as gold so that we may be perfected into one for […]
Keeping the Oneness of the Spirit by Practicing the One Accord in the Church Life

It is crucial for us in the church life to keep the oneness of the Spirit by practicing the one accord. In John 17:21 the Lord prayed and aspired that all His believers would be one; He then later became the Spirit in His resurrection and breathed Himself into the disciples and then poured Himself […]
Being Mingled with God and Sinking Deeply into God to Build up the Church in Oneness

It is so enlightening to see the intrinsic significance of the materials of the temple and to realize that God desires a building – the church as the temple of God, and for this we need to have certain experiences of Christ in the Body and for the Body, so that God would gain what […]
Taking the Lead to Stand on the Unique Ground of the Church, the Ground of Oneness

Ever since the Lord Jesus was raised from the dead and became a life-giving Spirit which was both breathed into His disciples for their living and poured out upon them as power for their work, there is such a thing in this universe called, the church. God has on earth not only a group of […]
Life is the Essence of Oneness: we Keep the Oneness by Life, in Life, and with Life

The ground of the church, the genuine ground of oneness, is not merely something outward, that is, the ground of locality in which we live and meet; we need to see that the ground of the church is intrinsically related to life. The Lord doesn’t want us to keep certain forms or outward practices; everything […]
We Need to See God’s Will and Satan’s Strategy, and Actively Choose the Will of God

In this universe there’s a warfare going on, since there are three wills: the divine will (God’s will), the satanic will (Satan’s will), and the human will, and the satanic will is always opposite and against the divine will. In eternity past there used to be only one will: God’s will. But Lucifer, who was […]