Dear saints, let us pray that from the type of the Passover the saints would see the importance of the Lord’s table in carrying out God’s move and would be encouraged to earnestly keep this weekly feast (1 Cor. 11:23-26; cf. Num. 9:1-5). The Passover in the Old Testament was a yearly reminder to the […]
Let’s pray for the saints to see the importance of the Lord’s table in carrying out God’s move so that they will earnestly keep it
Feasting on Christ as the Unleavened Bread to live a Sinless and Pure Church Life

Our entire Christian life is a feast – we are enjoying Christ as our unleavened bread, Christ as the sinless life supply for us to have a pure church life to express Christ corporately. Praise the Lord, he has become our feast – he lived a sinless life by eating the father and living because […]
Living a Rejoicing Life by Calling on the name of the Lord and Rejoicing in Him

God trains us, His people, to live a rejoicing life, a happy life; as we touch the Spirit in our spirit, there’s a law of rejoicing, and we rejoice in the Lord, spontaneously! Amen, Hallelujah! In Leviticus we see how God trained His people to live a holy, clean, and rejoicing life. First of all, […]
The Qualifications for Seeing a Vision of God’s Building as seen in Ezek. 40:1-4

The vision of God’s building in Ezek. 40-48 is the culmination and ultimate point of the book of Ezekiel, and for the prophet to have this vision, there were some qualifications; we need to see the qualifications for seeing the vision of God’s building. Ezekiel didn’t receive the vision of God’s building in chapter one […]
God wants us to Enjoy the Triune God in Christ Today and for Eternity as our Feast!

This week in our morning revival time we have been getting deeper into the three main feasts that God ordained that His people Israel would keep: the feast of unleavened bread, the feast of harvest, and the feast of the tabernacles. To be honest, before this week I never thought of these feasts much, but […]
Keep the Feast by Blending, Praising, Enjoying, and being Reminded we’re Sojourners

The Bible is a book of life, our God is a living God, and we are the living people of the living God called by Him to enjoy Him and feast on Him. Throughout the Bible we see how God cares more for what we eat than for what we do; in His mind what […]
The Feast of Tabernacles: Fully Enjoying Christ in the Millennium and in New Jerusalem

It is so wonderful to realize and experience daily that God has delivered us, His people, from Satan’s usurpation and tyranny in the world so that we may hold a feast unto Him! Our whole Christian life is a feast with God and on Christ. This does not mean that we “party all day” but […]