Even if our vision has not been fulfilled, we should speak according to the vision to others, for though it may seem like we’re in a “dungeon” by seeking the Lord, we have faith to speak the vision God gave us until He fulfils it in us and we graduate from the dungeon and […]
Speak the Vision God Gave us until we’re Released from Dungeon and Receive the Crown
Christ Produces Himself in us as we Enjoy the Lord and Maintain our Fellowship with Him

As believers in Christ, we need to labour on Christ as the land to produce Christ, realizing that Christ produces Himself in us through our labour as we contact the Lord every morning and fellowship with Him throughout the day. Amen! Our Christ is not just our Savior, our Lord, and our King; He […]
Living a Life of Enjoying Christ as Life and Enjoying the Top Portion in the Meetings

Hallelujah, the Christian life is a life of enjoying Christ as the tree of life, and we can enjoy the top portion of Christ in the meetings of the church! God’s intention is to give Himself to man as the tree of life for man to enjoy, for God wants man not to do […]
13 Aspects of a Priest, a Particular Kind of Person who Serves God Continually

It is so wonderful to realize that all the genuine Christians, the believers in Christ, are priests; they are called by God and saved by Him that they may be priests to God, a royal priesthood, the church. A priest is one who receives God and is filled, saturated, and permeated with God until God […]
the Word of life is “an appetizer” to our enjoying God as the eternal life as “many courses”
Isn’t that true? When you read the first Epistle of John chapter one you see that John starts in a mysterious way to introduce something of the eternal life – and he begins with The Word Of Life… Just as before a large meal – like dinner – we sometimes have an appetizer, so when […]
We have the privilege to enjoy God as our life!(sharing from the college age conference)
This year I had a privilege of going to Wales for the College Age Conference. It was a short but a very enjoyable time! This time we were focused on gospel of John – Life and Building as revealed in the Gospel of John. What really touched me was that many times we may think […]
The true freedom is in our heart! Don’t study God: enjoy Him! (college age conference sharing)
I enjoyed reading the whole gospel of John in the hills of Wales, where we entered into “life and building in the Gospel of John”. If we want to know life, we need to come to the Bible. In fact, the first case in the gospel of John tells us life’s principle which is to […]