Paul, a man of God, was the acting God in comforting the believers, in conducting himself in the simplicity of God, in expressing the jealousy of God, and in being an ambassador of Christ to carry out the ministry of reconciliation; we can also function as the acting God today. The Lord is looking […]
One with God to be Jesus Living Again on Earth today for His Corporate Expression
We’re being Transformed in our Soul to Live a God-man Life as Christ’s Reproduction

Hallelujah, we believers in Christ are being transformed in our soul so that we may live a God-man life by allowing Christ to live in us, and we are becoming Christ’s reproduction! When the Lord Jesus saves us, He comes into us as the One with the human virtues filled with the divine attributes to […]
The Reality of the Body is Living a God-man Life by a Group of Believers with Christ

The reality of the Body of Christ is the union and mingling of God and man to live out a corporate God-man; it is living a God-man life by a group of God-redeemed people together with the God-man Christ. The only life that satisfies God and is a delight to Him is the life that […]
The Reality of the Body of Christ is the Spirit of Reality and the Reality in Jesus

The reality of the Body of Christ is the Spirit of reality and the reality in Jesus. These days in our morning revival we come to the topic of, Living in the Reality of the Body of Christ by Keeping the Principles of the Body, and this week in particular we focus on the matter […]
Being Mingled with God and Living in the Mingled Spirit for the Reality of the Body

The church as the Body of Christ is a group of people who allow God to be mingled with them and who are mingled with God, and they live in the mingled spirit. This is what God wants to gain today, a group of people who would just allow Him to mingle Himself with them, […]
The Reality of the Body of Christ is the Reality in Jesus lived out Corporately

The reality of the Body of Christ is the reality in Jesus (Eph. 4:21); the way that the Lord Jesus lived on earth is the way that the members of the Body of Christ should live today – a life according to the reality in Jesus. What is reality? How can we have reality? We […]
Being a Pattern of Living Christ, Magnifying Christ, and Living the Body Life

The apostle Paul was a pattern of living Christ, magnifying Christ, doing all things in Christ, and pursuing Christ to be found in Christ; he lived such a life when he was on his ministry journey and also in his imprisonment journey. Whether in good situation or in persecution, whether in outward success or imprisonment, […]