When Jehovah sent Moses to deliver the children of Israel from Egypt, He told him, “Thus shall you say to the children of Israel, I AM has sent me to you” (Exo. 3:14). The Jehovah of the people of Israel, the One who is their God and wants to relate to them and have them […]
the all-inclusive Christ is Jehovah God, the Great I Am; Jesus is the I AM!
Filed Under: contacting God, Enjoying Christ, expounding the truth, God became a man, God's economy, O Lord Jesus!, the all-inclusive Christ, the high peak, the Lord's recovery, the Triune God Tagged With: believe that God is, Christ is Jehovah God, come to the Lord personally, crystallization study of Isaiah, Jesus Christ is Jehovah, Jesus is Jehovah, Jesus is the bread of life, Jesus is the door, Jesus is the Life, Jesus is the real I Am, O Lord Jesus!, only God is, the great I Am
our dear Lord Jesus Christ is Jehovah God, the great I AM; He is whatever we need!

In the Old Testament, when God called Moses to go and take His people out of Egypt and into the good land, as a reply to Moses’ question, Who should I say to this people when they ask me: Who sent you to us? – God replied in Exodus 3:14: And God said to Moses, I […]
Filed Under: Christ lives in me, Enjoying Christ, feeding on the Lord, God's economy, O Lord Jesus!, the Christian Life, the Lord's recovery Tagged With: Christ IS, Christ is everything, Christ is So Rich, Christ is the I AM, Christ meets all our needs, eating Jesus is the way, enjoying the Lord, His riches are available, I am who I am, Jesus is Jehovah, Jesus is the real I Am, Jesus meets our need, the great I Am, we need Jesus
there is a yearning in us to touch God, the reality in this universe; it is simple to touch God!

Who is God? The Bible provides us with the answer to this question, and it shows very clearly that God is the I AM. That means, He is the One who has existed, is now existing, and will forever exist. While everything else in this world has a beginning, He does not. And when everything […]
Filed Under: contacting God, Enjoying Christ, God became a man, O Lord Jesus!, the Christian Life, the gospel, the Word of God Tagged With: a cry for God, a yearning within, an inner seeking for more, come into me Lord Jesus, Forgive me of my sins, God becoming our salvation, God desires to touch us, God is the I Am, God is the reality, Jesus is the real I Am, long to touch God, Lord Jesus come into me, touch the Lord, we desire to find reality, we desire to touch God