In Isa. 6:1-8 we see that the vision of Christ in glory was seen by Isaiah in his depression; when we see a vision of the glorious Christ on the throne, we will live Christ and we will bring others also into a state of living Christ to express God’s glory, holiness, and righteousness. […]
See a Vision of Christ in Glory, Realize the Lord is on the Throne, and Live Christ
Overcomers Hasten Christ’s Return as King to Raise up the Fallen Tabernacle of David

Christ will come and raise up the fallen tabernacle of David – He will restore the fallen kingdom of David to set up His kingdom for the restoration of the entire universe, and all the nations will become God’s people! Wow, Hallelujah! This week as we have been studying in a prayerful way the […]
We Acknowledge the Headship of Christ and Allow Him to Grow in us to Grow up into the Head

We grow up into the Head as we acknowledge the authority of the headship of Christ and by allowing Christ to grow and increase in all the parts of our inner being. For us to hold Christ as the Head means that we acknowledge that He is the Head and we come absolutely under His […]
Ezekiel 1 shows us God’s Eternal Intention to have the Manifestation of God in Man

The conclusion of Ezekiel 1 is that on the throne there’s One who has the appearance of a man, and the four living creatures also have the appearance of a man, which shows us that, in His mysterious relationship with man, God mingles Himself with man to become the same as man and make man […]
The Corporate Christ as a Stone Cut Without Hands will Crush the Great Human Image!

These past few days we have been prayerfully studying Daniel 2 and the prophecies concerning the great human image. As frightful as it may be and as great as the human government seems to be today, the destiny of the great human image is to be crushed by a stone cut out without hands (Dan. […]
seeds of the gospel: A Talk with the President of the USA – Mr. President, Jesus is Lord!
I think that by now everyone heard about this incident/story, but it never ceases to amaze me how simple it is to be a seed of the gospel – our Christian life is a life of just enjoying the Lord! As we enjoy Him, without trying to do a lot of things for Him, He […]