We need to do all things without murmurings and reasonings in order that we may become blameless and guileless, children of God without blemish, holding forth the word of life so that we may shine forth as luminaries in the world. We may not have big problems with other people, neither do we cause any […]
As Blameless and Guileless Children of God, we Shine forth as Luminaries in the World
God operates in us, so we should do all things without Murmurings and Reasonings

We can work out our own salvation because it is God who operates in us both the willing and the working for His good pleasure; therefore, we should do all things without murmurings and reasonings. It’s not that we by ourselves carry out our own salvation; we can’t do it, and many times we’re not […]
We need to Obey God to Work out our own Salvation, for it is God who Operates in us

For us to work out our own salvation is to carry it out, to bring it to the ultimate conclusion, by our constant and absolute obedience with fear and trembling, knowing that it is God who operates in us. As believers in Christ we have all received the salvation of God, and we didn’t have […]
We Experience a Constant Salvation by taking Christ our Pattern in our Daily Life

In Phil. 2:12 Paul tells us to work out our own salvation; this is not the eternal salvation from God’s condemnation but the daily and constant salvation that is Christ as a living person. After seeing the wonderful pattern of Christ in Phil. 2, Paul tells us, as beloved ones, to work out our own […]
To Live the Kingdom Life we should Forgive our Brother even as the Lord forgave us

For us to live the kingdom life, the God-man life, the church life, we must be humble and not despise any believer but love our brother and forgive our brother from our heart. In Matt. 18:1-35 we have a wonderful portion on how to live the kingdom life, and right from the beginning the disciples […]
Why we still need to be Transferred out of the Authority of Darkness into God’s Kingdom

When we believed into the Lord Jesus, we received the divine life and we were transferred out of the authority of darkness and into the kingdom of the Son of God’s love. However, this transfer was not once for all; we were initially transferred out of darkness and into light, but daily we still need […]
The Church is the Kingdom of the Son of God’s Love, a Realm of Love, Light, and Life

When we understand the intrinsic significance of the church as the kingdom of the Son of God’s love we will realise that we can live the kingdom life in the church life today in a realm of love, light, and life. Hallelujah! When Paul wrote to the church in Colossae, he realised that this church […]