When we eat the open manna (the manna that is available for us openly every day), we gain the hidden manna (the manna that we have eaten, digested, and assimilated) and are being produced as the overcomers of today; the Christ we enjoy and assimilate becomes an eternal memorial before God. The matter of manna […]
The Christ we Eat as Manna makes us His Overcomers and becomes an Eternal Memorial
Christ as the Heavenly Manna is Small, Balanced, Refreshing, Solid, Bright, and Tasty!

The only food God gives us today in our Christian journey is Christ as the heavenly manna; this food is balanced, good, small enough to eat, perfect, without any mixture, cooling and refreshing us, full of life, solid, bright and transparent, tasty, and nourishing. We may think that we may need something else besides manna, […]
Having a New Beginning every Morning by Contacting the Lord in His word to Eat Him

We need to have a new beginning with the Lord every day to “gather the manna”, that is, to enjoy the Lord in a fresh and new way to feed on Him and be nourished with Him in His Word. In the Old Testament – and actually in the entire Bible – the manna was […]
Eating Christ as our Unique Food Displaces the Flesh and Reconstitutes us with Christ

By giving His people only manna to eat in the wilderness, God dealt with their flesh and at the same time reconstituted them with the heavenly food; by eating Christ as the unique heavenly food, our flesh is dealt with and displaced, and we are reconstituted with Christ to become the dwelling place of God. […]
We need to have a Change of Diet to Eat Christ and be Reconstituted with Christ

God wants to change our diet to a diet of Christ as the real manna so that we may be reconstituted with Christ and live because of Christ to become God’s dwelling place. God’s goal is to have a dwelling place on earth; this dwelling place is not built with stone or wood but with […]
We Sing-Read the Word to let it Dwell in us Richly and Live Christ to Magnify Him

Praise the Lord for His divine and rich provision for our constant salvation! As we pray-read the Word, sing-read the Word, and even psalm-read the Word, the Word of Christ dwells in us richly, and we spontaneously hold forth the word of life – this is to live Christ that He may be magnified in […]
We Live Christ by being Saturated with the Word of Life through Pray-reading the Word

Philippians 2:12-16 is a definition of living Christ in Phil. 1:19-21, for the God who operates in us (2:13) is the supplying Spirit (1:19), for us to shine as luminaries (2:15) is to magnify Christ (1:20), and to hold forth the word of life (2:16) is to live Christ (1:21). Paul had a burden in […]