What God needs today in the church life is more ministers of life, persons who know Him as the God of resurrection and minister Him as the God of resurrection into others. We need to see the difference between merely having a “gift” and having the ministry of life. What is needed for the building […]
Experiencing the God of Resurrection and Having the Mending Ministry of Life
The Need to be Constituted with God to Have the Ministry of Life for the Body

This week in our study we come to the topic, Ministry of Life. In Christianity today there are many “ministries”, and as soon as someone feels he has a ministry from the Lord, he goes ahead and does his best to carry it out, many times resulting in creating yet another division in the Body […]
We Grow in Life by Dealing with Our Heart so that Christ may Spread in Us

When we hear God’s word and our heart is turned to Him, something is implanted into us – Christ as life comes into us, and we exercise our spirit to receive Him. We receive Christ in our spirit, since our spirit is the organ created by God for us to contact Him and receive Him […]
Having a Direct Contact with the Lord and Exercising our Heart to Grow in Life

What is growth in life? It is simply the increase of God and the decrease of our natural man, the increase of the stature of Christ and less of us, and more ground given to the Holy Spirit to work in us and less of ourselves. Since Christ came into our spirit at the time […]
What Does it Mean to Grow in Life? Growth in Life is More of God and Less of Us

In order for us to grow in life, we first need what life is. Life is NOT a gift, a power, an ability, or anything else – life is simply God Himself. God the Father is life, Christ is life, and the Spirit is life (John 3:36; 1 John 5:12; 1 Cor. 15:45). You could […]
Entering into the Two Aspects of the Divine Fellowship by the Two Spirits

We have seen that we can be in the reality of the Body of Christ if we are in the divine fellowship, the flow of the Spirit. But how can we enter in and remain in the divine fellowship? The way for us to enter into the two aspects of the divine fellowship – the […]
Living in the Divine Fellowship to Be in the Reality of the Body of Christ
![Living in the Divine Fellowship to Be in the Reality of the Body of Christ [in the picture: 1 John 1:3]](https://i0.wp.com/agodman.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/1-john-1-3-That-which-we-have-seen-and-heard-declare-we-unto-you-that-ye-also-may-have-fellowship-with-us-and-truly-our-fellowship-is-with-the-Father-and-with-his-Son-Jesus-Christ..jpg?fit=300%2C225&ssl=1)
When we were born again by receiving the Lord Jesus as the divine life in us, we were born of God and we were “plugged into” the fellowship of the divine life. Every genuine believer today has an inward flow of the divine life which speaks to him, regulates him, supplies him, and keeps him […]