In His ascension, Christ is the kingly and divine High Priest interceding for us; He has been constituted our High Priest according to the power of an indestructible life, and He is able to save us to the uttermost. Hallelujah for our Christ who today is our High Priest interceding for us! This week in […]
As our High Priest, Christ is Able to Save us to the Uttermost, the Fullest Extent
Christ in His Heavenly Ministry is the Divine High Priest Saving us to His Perfection

Christ is the High Priest according to the order of Aaron to remove sin, a kingly High Priest according to the order of Melchizedek to minister God into us, and a divine High Priest to save us to the uttermost. God’s original intention is that He would dispense Himself as life and everything into the […]
God’s Life in us Causes us to be Transcendent so that we may Express God Corporately

The four living creatures in Ezekiel 1 are a corporate expression of Christ, the One on the throne, living out the life of Christ in a corporate way; they express Christ in His ruling and reigning (the face of a lion), in His serving and sacrificing (the face of an ox), in His being a […]
In His Ascension Christ is the Divine High Priest according to an Indestructible Life

The Lord Jesus has two ministries: His earthly ministry of 3.5 years and His heavenly ministry (from the time of His ascension until today and for eternity). Today we as the believers in Christ are enjoying His heavenly ministry in which He has many statuses and offices such as Lord of all, King of kings […]
Enjoying and Experiencing God as the Eternal One by Calling on the Name of the Lord

Our God is one, yet He is the Triune God. He is one, yet He has many names depending on our experience and enjoyment of Him. He is called Jehovah in His relationship with man, in coming to be with man and caring for man, especially in the Old Testament. He is the Most High […]
Being Saved to the Uttermost by Christ in His Kingly and Divine Priesthood
![Being Saved to the Uttermost by Christ in His Kingly and Divine Priesthood [Heb. 7:25, He is able to save to the uttermost those who come forward to God through Him, since He lives always to intercede for them]](
Christ is the King and the High Priest, and as the High Priest He is both kingly and divine. In Hebrews 7 we see that Christ is the kingly High Priest, the priest who was enthroned, and as such a One He is fighting against all of God’s enemies to subdue them and to bring […]
God gave Christ as a light to the nations that He might be God’s salvation to all the world!
God set Christ as a light to all the nations, so that all the nations may receive God’s salvation (Isa. 49:6). When the Lord Jesus came, a great light came to shine in the land of Israel. This light issues in life to regenerate man. On the one hand, John 1:4 says, In Him was […]