To abide in the Lord is to be one spirit with Him; the focus of God’s economy is the mingled spirit – the divine Spirit mingled with our human spirit; we need to be one spirit with the Lord and live in our mingled spirit so that we may abide in the Lord all the […]
To Abide in the Lord is to be One Spirit with Him and Live in the Mingled Spirit
Build the Church in Peace in the Mingled Spirit with no Noise except Singing and Praising

We can build the church in peace in the mingled spirit with no noise of criticism or judgment but with much singing and praising the Lord! The church is built in peace in the mingled spirit, without any noise of criticism or quarrel but with lots of singing, even as the temple was built […]
Living in the Spirit to be Set Free from Ordinances and bring Forth the One New Man

The more we are and live in the mingled spirit – in the mingling of the divine Spirit with the human spirit – the more we will be set free from ordinances in order to bring forth the new man. Hallelujah! How can we be the one new man? It is not merely by seeing […]
Being Patterns by Living in Spirit, being Filled in Spirit, and Speaking God’s Economy

It is so encouraging to see the pattern of the apostle Paul in shepherding the saints, in particular to see that he was living in spirit and by the Spirit, he was filled with the Spirit and clothed with the Spirit, he exercised to have a good conscience, he rejoiced in the Lord and he […]
The Mark of God’s Economy is the Indwelling Christ as the Spirit with our Spirit

According to the entire revelation in the Bible, God has an economy, a master plan, which is to work Himself into man by dispensing His riches into man so that He would gain a corporate man, the Body of Christ, to be His expression on the earth. Paul told Timothy to charge certain ones not […]
A Priest lives the God-man life by Living in the Mingled Spirit to Express Christ

“The focus of God’s economy is the mingled spirit, the divine Spirit mingled with the human spirit (Rom. 8:4)” – this statement is of tremendous importance in our Christian life. Many believers have missed the aim of God’s purpose for their life simply because they don’t see that all our experiences of God are in the […]
Being rich toward God and with God by experiencing and enjoying the Triune God!
There are several places in the Bible, especially in the New Testament, where this expression is being mentioned – being rich toward God. In the parable/story told by the Lord in Luke 12, we see in verse 21 that even though the rich young man had everything he wanted and had stored up a lot […]