The more we are willing to be ruled and restricted by the Lord Jesus out of our love for Him, the more we will grow in life, and the more we will have the abundance of the life of Christ with us, thus experiencing Christ as the pomegranate. Wow, amen! This week we come to […]
Being Ruled by the Lord to Grow in Life and have the Abundance of the Life of Christ
Give yourself to God and take the Way of Giving: We Give, He Supplies!

The Christian way of managing wealth and money is the way of giving; we should not be foolish to only receive and not give but rather, we should give ourselves to the Lord and then give our money again and again, for it is then that God has the opportunity to give to […]
Our Morning Watch with the Lord is Indispensable; we need to Observe it Diligently

I have been saved for about 15 years now, and I love the Lord Jesus very, very much! And I love Him not only for the eternal, unshakable salvation He granted me freely and for my eternal bright future, but also for His sweet mercy and grace reaching me daily through my morning watch with […]
Repenting and Doing the First Works – the Works Motivated by our Love for the Lord

The Lord’s word to the church in Ephesus in Rev. 2:1-7 is a warning to us all; after He acknowledged the many works, labor, endurance, and suffering that the church in Ephesus had, the Lord said He has one thing against her, that she has lost her first love, and therefore she had to repent, […]
being a Christian student on the campus: enjoying the Lord and testifying Him!
What does it mean to be a Christian Student on the campus – how do you Love the Lord and at the same time Take Care of Your Studies? – here’s the answer two Christian Students on the campus (one in London and the other in the USA) would give from their own experience.