The heading up in Christ in the church life is by life and light; first God comes into us as life to swallow any death, then the light of life shines in us to dispel the darkness, and we are headed up in Christ, being under the light as we grow in life. Wow! It […]
The more we Grow in Life, the more we are Headed up in Christ by His Life and Light
We are Headed up in Christ through the Divine Dispensing which is Sweet and Intimate

In the church life we are being headed up through the divine dispensing in the divine economy, for God is working Himself into us through an administration that is a sweet dispensing, an intimate stewardship, and a comfortable household arrangement. When most Christians hear about the fact that God wants to head up all things […]
We need to realize that the Proper Church Life is a Life of being Headed up in Christ

The church is life is a life of being headed up in Christ, for we all need to be delivered from the heap of collapse caused by man’s fall, and to be headed up in Christ. God’s eternal purpose is for Him to gain a corporate expression in man, so that God in Christ through […]
God is Working to Liberate His Creation from Bondage by Heading up All things in Christ

Satan’s goal is to corrupt God’s creation and to cause confusion, and he did so by injecting himself into man at the fall; but God is working to liberate His creation from bondage by heading up all things in Christ. Hallelujah, God is operating to liberate the entire creation from under the slavery of sin […]
God’s Eternal Intention is to Head up All Things in Christ, the Head over All Things

In our seeking before the Lord concerning what is the genuine church life, we need to be realize that the church life is a life of being headed up in Christ, for God wants to head up all things in Christ. The church is the Body of Christ – this is not an allegory or […]
The Church Life is a life of being Headed up in Christ, the Unique Head of the Body

Due to the rebellion of Satan and of man, the whole universe is in a heap of collapse and in rebellion against God, but in the church life we are being headed up in Christ so that, through the church, God would have a way to head up all things in the universe in Christ. […]
Being Willing to be Headed up in Christ by Growing in Life and Living in the Light

God has chosen us, predestinated us, redeemed us, forgiven us, and graced us in Christ for the purpose of heading up all things in Christ (see Eph. 1:3-10). God’s purpose in blessing us with every spiritual blessing in Christ Jesus in the heavenlies and for giving Himself to us as our enjoyment is so that […]