In our seeking before the Lord concerning what is the genuine church life, we need to be realize that the church life is a life of being headed up in Christ, for God wants to head up all things in Christ. The church is the Body of Christ – this is not an allegory or […]
God’s Eternal Intention is to Head up All Things in Christ, the Head over All Things
The Heading up of All Things in Christ Involves the Building up of the Church

All the genuine believers in Christ love the Lord, seek to know Him and be found in Him, and they yearn to see the church built up. However, the matter of the building up of the church has been very much missed throughout history, and the Lord was not able to obtain the built up […]
Being Willing to be Headed up in Christ by Growing in Life and Living in the Light

God has chosen us, predestinated us, redeemed us, forgiven us, and graced us in Christ for the purpose of heading up all things in Christ (see Eph. 1:3-10). God’s purpose in blessing us with every spiritual blessing in Christ Jesus in the heavenlies and for giving Himself to us as our enjoyment is so that […]
Enjoying the Dispensing of God’s Abundant Life Supply to be Headed up in Christ

The highest purpose of God for the church is that all things would be headed up in Christ through the church (Eph. 1:10). God’s purpose for the church is threefold: to have the divine sonship for God’s corporate expression, to subdue God’s enemy by being the display of God’s multifarious wisdom, and to cooperate with […]
God’s Purpose for the Church: having the Sonship, Dealing with Satan, and Heading up

One of the most central matters in our Christian life and the desire of God’s heart is the church as the Body of Christ. These following weeks on the blog we will enjoy and dive into the matter of the Vision, Practice, and Building up of the Church as the Body of Christ (based on […]
God’s Purpose for the Church is to Head up All Things in Christ Through the Church

The church as the mystery hidden in God’s heart is the most precious thing to Him. As seen in the New Testament, God’s purpose for the church is threefold: positively, the church has the sonship and expresses God in full to the universe; negatively, the church deals with God’s enemy and makes known the multifarious […]
Being Headed up in Christ by Life and Light in the Church for the New Jerusalem

The New Jerusalem in the new heaven and new heart is the consummation of God heading up all things in Christ, the complete fulfillment of Eph. 1:10. Throughout the ages God has been doing the work of recovery by heading up all things in Christ – first in the church and then, through the church, […]