2 Timothy says that we need to call on the Lord out of a pure heart and pursue Him with those who call Him out of a pure heart; a pure heart is fixed on God, free from any impurity, not mixed, and focused only on the Lord. May we be those who call on […]
Call on the Lord out of a Pure Heart, having No Impurity but being Focused on Christ
Deal with our Heart to have a Soft Heart and a Pure Heart for the Lord to Grow in us

For us to grow in life for the building up of the church as the Body of Christ, we need to cooperate with the Lord by dealing with our heart so that it can be soft (a soft heart) and pure (a pure heart) in our Christian life. May the Lord have mercy on […]
Having a Good Conscience and a Pure Heart to Serve God in a Pure Conscience

As believers in Christ who are in the process of being purified to be His holy and pure bride, we need to have not only a good conscience but also a pure conscience; we need to have a pure heart so that we may serve God in a pure conscience. May the Lord have […]
We need to Keep our Heart with all Vigilance and Deal with our Heart to have a Pure Heart

Our heart is the entrance and exit to our whole being; we need to deal with our heart and keep our heart with all vigilance, for from it are the issues of life (Prov 4:23). Especially as we grow up humanly and also spiritually, we need to learn the lesson of keeping our heart, maintaining […]
Dig away and Deal with the things Condemned by the Lord in our Heart and Conscience

For us to have the flow of the divine life out of our innermost being, we must dig away the many things condemned by the Lord in our heart and also deal with our conscience to have it purified. As believers in Christ, we have drank of the smitten rock – which is Christ, and […]
We see the Divine Light when we are in our Spirit and in the Church, God’s Sanctuary

As believers in Christ we are priests of God, and it is our function as priests to light the lamps in the Holy Place, that is, walk in the light and cause the divine light to ascend as we meet with the saints. We need to realize that we are a holy people, we have […]
being the seekers of God who care for nothing but gaining God and obtaining God
It is not a matter of “keeping the law”, “doing the right thing and not the wrong thing”, “being good and not being evil” – all these belong to the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. It is a matter of enjoying God, seeking God, obtaining God, and even possessing God as our everything. God wants us to experience Him and enjoy Him to the extent that we honestly and genuinely say, “Lord, I don’t care for anything but the tree of life – I don’t care for anything other than God Himself”. This is what the psalmist experienced, enjoyed, and spoke about when he wrote Psalm 73. [read more online]